Knowing how to motivate yourself for long-term success is essential, be it an assignment due date, exam, or exercise goal. Here are a few strategies that may help: Reduce distractions by listening to upbeat music or podcasts that stimulate you, or by making an energizing list of tasks – an overly full list can quickly kill motivation!
Put your goal on the calendar
Setting yourself a SMART plan can be one of the best ways to motivate yourself, but sometimes this alone is not enough; sometimes there needs to be something extra in place to overcome internal excuses and simply get started. Calendar can help. If you have tasks that must be accomplished, adding them to your Calendar makes them impossible to put off when the time comes – plus reminders will ensure they get done!
If your goal is to email twelve contacts by the end of the week, set a calendar reminder every day or start reading more by setting aside five minutes each day to just sit down and do it. Even small steps like these can make following through with larger goals like studying or exercising easier on days when motivation wanes.
Lack of motivation may be linked with feelings of being overwhelmed or stressed out, so one way of combating it may be to tie your goals to a larger vision or purpose. For instance, if your goal is weight loss, write out how it will improve your health as well as maybe inspire a vacation you’ve always dreamed of taking. Or if starting an online business is your aim, explain the broader impacts it will have on the community at large.
Make working toward your goal a habit

Certain goals require time and dedication, so making working toward them part of your daily routine will help ensure you continue moving forward even after initial motivation has subsided.
Establishing a routine can also reduce distractions, which are another key contributor to motivation loss. Establishing an effective daily study habit, for instance, scheduling time to study each day at the same time and using an app like RescueTime to block out distracting websites is another effective strategy.
Once it becomes clear why you are working toward your goal, achieving it becomes much simpler. One of our clients found her motivation for financial goals was quite straightforward – creating an experience-rich life for herself and her family was her aim; once this became clear it made sticking to them easier.
Make sure that you surround yourself with positive, motivating people – research has demonstrated this to have an immense effect on energy levels.
Plan for imperfection
To maximize achievement, it is sensible to put together for the times when your desires do not exactly cross as you planned. Doing this will prevent discouragement from setting in, and prevent getting bogged down in details. For instance, if your goal doesn’t turn out exactly how planned, focus on learning something from the imperfect action taken instead.
To maximize fulfillment, it’s miles realistic to prepare for the times whilst your desires do now not precisely go as you deliberate. If you want to streamline your filing system more efficiently, set yourself a challenge of seeing how quickly you can complete it or use a tool such as Support for social accountability that keeps your goals on track. Once your plan is in place, set a date to take your imperfect action and stick with it even when life gets busy or when motivation wanes. And be sure to share this commitment with an accountability partner or coach as social expectation can be an extremely effective motivator!
Set small goals to build momentum
Keeping motivation up is essential, and breaking large goals into more manageable ones is the way to do this. Instead of becoming overwhelmed by reading two books each month, break it down into reading 10-15 pages per day so you have an easily-trackable path towards your end goal and can build strength along the way. Making your goals intrinsically rewarding can also help. Do this by altering your environment or perspective to make things more engaging or providing your extrinsic rewards; writing a letter to yourself could prove helpful too if that works as motivation!
Rewards should also be given for small victories along the way, from simple check marks to small treats or breaks. Avoid rewards that require too much work or take too long to achieve; these could sap your motivation. Take frequent breaks. Research shows this can be one of the best ways to combat motivational slump. So if you find yourself feeling motivated for only short amounts of time consider taking some kind of break, such as walking around your block or stretching for a moment.
Track your progress

One effective way to boost internal motivation is setting external targets such as race finishes or studies completion dates. Setting this date serves as a reminder that keeps moving forward even when things become challenging. When tracking your progress, use either a to-do app or write your tasks out on sticky notes and organize them physically into a list. When you complete one task, check it off or remove it from the list as completed; seeing your success can be tremendously motivating and will remind you that hard work will pay off in the end!
Change your perspective to motivate yourself mentally by focusing on the things that have already been accomplished; doing this will encourage further progress toward reaching your goal while dwelling on tasks yet uncompleted can reduce motivation by making them feel harder or overwhelming.
Finding deeper motivation to do your work, like becoming healthier or finding a new job, can also be effective at motivating you. Writing down three of those reasons and placing them somewhere visible where they’ll be easily seen serves as a daily reminder of why you must study, work out, or save money for example.
Reward yourself for the little wins

As you work toward your goal, you must celebrate each victory small or big along the way. A small victory can be anything you take pride in accomplishing, such as finishing an assignment or ticking an item off your to-do list; these mini accomplishments will lead to larger goals like landing your ideal job or penning your first book! Spending some time reflecting on and appreciating each small victory will make you feel more accomplished and build confidence that you’ll reach your goals. Writing down your progress may even remind you of all of the tough paintings put into this point and how some distance you’ve got come.
One way to commemorate small victories is by rewarding yourself for them – this could include anything from snacks or wine glasses, to some time off for yourself and relaxation. Visual tracking tools may also be useful, such as adding check marks on charts or coins into jars every time a small victory has been achieved. Sharing your successes is likewise useful; sharing them offers a feeling of duty, making you more likely to gain your goals.
Embrace positive peer pressure
Peer pressure refers to the influence exerted upon you by people of your age or social group and can either be positive or negative. Adolescents often seek guidance from their peers, while adults can also succumb to peer pressure in various forms. Positive peer stress can encourage healthful behaviors like trying out new sports and reaching educational or professional desires; on the other hand, negative peer strain can also inspire indulgence in unhealthy conduct like drug or alcohol abuse and cause them to act in opposition to their values.
Peer stress may additionally deliver terrible connotations, but there can be several wonderful examples in everyday existence. Being round pals who paint difficult and strive for excellence can function as a concept to enhance productivity and overall performance at work, and being part of a group that celebrates every differing’s victories can improve vanity.
Peer pressure plays an integral part in shaping acceptable group norms, so individuals must understand the expectations placed upon them in their communities and find ways to remain true to themselves and their values. Sometimes it can be hard to apprehend while we are difficult to peer strain, in particular, if its outcomes are diffused and invisible.
Journaling and meditation provide useful opportunities for self-reflection that allow you to assess experiences and decisions, and identify any harmful influences. A therapist or counselor may be of great assistance in helping individuals manage the effects of peer pressure – this may especially prove helpful for individuals suffering from anxiety and depression that are associated with it.
Practice gratitude including for yourself

A gratitude practice can be an easy and effective way to lift your mood. Start today by reflecting on all the things for which you’re thankful each day and writing them down or thinking of someone you appreciate and why; doing this will make life feel more appreciative, and can even strengthen resilience when obstacles arise.
Beginning your day right can be immensely helpful when combined with practicing gratitude at night or before bed. Recalling all that you are grateful for can give you motivation and focus when feeling distracted; reminding yourself what matters will give you the strength to focus on what matters over time. Practice gratitude also can help you recognize that life’s demanding situations and frustrations are not as extreme as they appear.
A flat tire might become less stressful when you remember you have a job that allows for repairs; this shift in perspective can provide invaluable motivation when studying is becoming challenging.
If you find it hard to stick with a gratitude practice on your own, partner up with someone. This can keep you accountable while creating an obligation with someone – like finding a classmate to write your gratitude list daily with or joining an online community with similar goals. Remember: changing habits takes time – don’t rush yourself.
Do some mood lifting
Self-care activities that help improve temper encompass getting sufficient restful sleep, consuming proper, and engaging in bodily workout; but, there are extra activities you could do outdoors of this habitual to reinforce your emotions as nicely. Listening to music may have a therapeutic effect while watching an entertaining video could make you laugh out loud; helping a friend out can also lift one’s spirits significantly.
Elkin suggests re-framing negative thoughts and emotions by asking yourself how they might be true from another angle, for instance, if you feel stressed about meeting an assignment deadline you could remind yourself that in past experiences you have completed tasks under similar time pressures successfully.
De-clutter your environment by organizing clothes or books lying around – this will help clear the mind and increase focus. Engage yourself in something stimulating like reading or watching a movie, listening to music, or going for a walk; alternatively, journal or talk with a friend about your issue to unburden yourself and shift rumination into problem-solving.
Set short goals and work towards them to aid motivation by making progress visible. For instance, if studying for an exam is challenging you, setting smaller sub goals may make it easier.
Self-motivation comes down to setting and reaching goals, with numerous online resources providing tips and strategies for increasing one’s motivation, such as this PDF from Texas Christian University (link below). This resource features helpful handouts, worksheets, and suggestions on using change-focused coaching and counseling as a form of motivational therapy.
Change your environment
As essential as it is to take control of each aspect of your environment, some factors are past yours attain. If your work environment is toxic for whatever reason, for instance, changing this immediately might not be feasible – but you can still focus on creating an optimal mood so that you can perform well at your job – this might include getting enough rest, limiting negative people and distractions such as TV or conversations with friends, eating properly and exercising regularly – among other strategies.
One way you can alter your environment is simply switching up your routine. For instance, if you usually study from your room at home, why not go on a stroll through a park or botanical garden for some fresh air and to recharge and refocus? Being immersed in nature could give your brain the boost it needs to complete that tedious report or tackle that challenging task more efficiently!
If you’re having difficulty making healthy food choices, try keeping a bowl of apples as a visual reminder in your kitchen. Or set an hour-long timer on your phone that shuts off after an hour to help make distracting yourself more difficult and give more time for you to return on track. Furthermore, keeping healthy snacks available may reduce the temptation to make poor decisions.
Failure to encourage can from time to time have nothing to do with precise projects or dreams, but may alternatively be indicative of melancholy or different mental fitness situations.
If you find yourself becoming unmotivated for long periods, seeking professional therapy could help bring things back on track – make sure to listen in on VeryWell Mind’s Mental Health in the Workplace webinar hosted by Editor-in-Chief Amy Morin, LCSW!
Remember your “why.
People find motivation when they have a clear goal in mind, and taking time to identify yours and break it into manageable steps is one way to increase motivation levels while increasing clarity and tracking progress.
Reminding yourself why you are working toward your goal can also be helpful; whether that means offering yourself a simple reminder, or more detailed reflection. Doing this is one way of increasing intrinsic motivation – motivation that comes from within rather than outside sources.
Also, to maintain yourself inspired while working closer to your purpose, try worthwhile yourself as you pass. This doesn’t have to be anything extravagant – a snack or piece of music could do just fine. Or you could use tools such as Trello or even just a poster board to track your progress by creating a visual timeline and marking off days or tasks as they’re completed.
Your company can have an enormous effect on your motivation levels, so try spending more of your free time around enthusiastic or motivating individuals. Play some inspirational music or podcasts to get into the mindset of accomplishing your goal.
A change of environment can also help increase motivation, so try getting out more often. Instead of studying at home, why not visit a library instead or run along different routes for exercise?