Raghav Goswami 10x




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How to Stay Focused on Goals
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Raghav Goswami

How to Stay Focused on Goals

Maintaining focus is vital to reaching SMART objectives. However, it can be hard to overcome environmental triggers that hinder your efforts and get in the way. Procrastination becomes harder to

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How to Start a Presentation Speech?
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Raghav Goswami

How to Start a Presentation Speech?

Engaging an audience requires an effective start, whether through storytelling, humor, or beginning with an established person or event as examples of ways in which to pique their interest. There

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How to Speak Louder and Clear
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Raghav Goswami

How to Speak Louder and Clear

Many individuals who are naturally shy or have soft voices can find this to be an obstacle in both personal and professional settings. Teaching yourself to speak louder and clearer

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Raghav Goswami

How to Motivate Yourself

Knowing how to motivate yourself for long-term success is essential, be it an assignment due date, exam, or exercise goal. Here are a few strategies that may help: Reduce distractions

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How to Memorize Something Fast
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Raghav Goswami

How to Memorize Something Fast

Memorization is at the core of learning; it allows you to recall facts, quotes, or names when asked from memory. Certain individuals seem to have an incredible knack for memorizing

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How to Live a Happy Life?
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Raghav Goswami

How to Live a Happy Life?

Happiness should not be visible as something to pursue at once; as an alternative, happiness must be seen as something you work on during your day and make a conscious

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Find Your Passion
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Raghav Goswami

How to Find Your Passion?

Each person carries within themselves an inner ambition – an inner passion that drives them forward towards making an impactful contribution and fulfilling a purposeful purpose in life. Discovering yours

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How to Become Emotionally Strong
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Raghav Goswami

How to Become Emotionally Strong

People often conflate emotional strength with being hard on themselves; however, this approach only leads to further suffering for both parties involved in the long run. Emotionally resilient people possess

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